Recipe #22: ginger turmeric honey tea

 This is a great tea to have when you’re battling a flu or cold bug, or if you just can’t get rid of a tagging post-RSV cough and have to go to a classical piano performance and don’t want to be that person coughing throughout the show. Hypothetically.


Note the fancy turmeric “golden milk” powder blend. This is not necessary and plain ground turmeric will do. I just happened to be given this product by a friend who hated it and gave the rest to me knowing that I like weird stuff like this. And I do!


Get a big travel mug and personalize it so that nobody will “borrow” it and you’ll never see it again:

Heat up some water in your kettle to a less-than-boiling setting, if possible, or to boiling if it’s your kettle’s only option. Just don’t burn your mouth on top of everything else!

Peel a chunk of ginger:

Then cut it into thin slices directly into your mug:

Add less than a teaspoon of turmeric powder—a little goes a long way:

And a generous spoonful of honey, which is Nature’s cough medicine:

Add your hot water and stir it up real good:

And off you go! Enjoy the concert cough-free!


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