Recipe #18: lemon blueberry mousse

 Hey everyone, it’s a dessert! 

Or, a sweet, sweet breakfast. 

Or whatever! 

This delightful treat was just invented on a whim and is tasty and healthy-ish for any time of day!



I hope you have a little mini mixer like the one in the photo above. Do they even still exist? Mine was purchased sometime in the early 1990s at a long-gone store called Consumers Distributing. If it ever dies, I don’t know what I’ll do.

Anyway, I digress.

Throw some frozen blueberries, a few spoonfuls of ricotta cheese, and a couple of spoonfuls of lemon curd into the mini mixer:

Run the mixer on high speed for about a minute:

Scrape down the sides if necessary.

That looks great!

Spoon into little bowls or mini ramekins. Choose something that doesn’t clash with the mousse if possible. Unfortunately I didn’t follow this advice and the colour clashing of the little bowls and mousse did affect my enjoyment of the finished product. Learn from my mistake!

Cover with plastic (or beeswax covers if you have them) and refrigerate for at least a little while. Or eat them right away if you can’t wait.

Oops! I *almost* forgot to take a picture of the final product the next day after refrigerating overnight! There are a couple of bites missing…


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