Recipe #15: lazy distant cousin to salade niçoise

 This recipe is such a distant cousin to salade niçoise that if the two dishes wanted to get together and have offspring, they wouldn’t have to worry about recessive genes causing any congenital anomalies. 

I’ve just gotten into the habit of referring go any salad with lettuce, canned tuna, and vinaigrette as a fake salade niçoise. I have some more elaborate and slightly less lazy homages to the French salad coming in future posts when I have more ingredients, energy, and mobility. But don’t worry. I am not so ignorant in the world of international cuisine to think this, and my future renditions, are in any way real salade niçoise. But it’s vraiment bon et très facile! So allons-y!


You can use any salad ingredients you have around. This is very basic because it’s all I’ve got today. And yes, that’s grocery store iceberg lettuce. Don’t be a lettuce snob. 


Wash and dry your vegetables and chop into salad-appropriate sizes and toss into a big salad bowl:

Add a can of tuna packed in olive oil with all of its olive oil (if you’re not using tuna in olive oil, drain the tuna well and add olive oil)as well as a few shakes of red wine vinegar:

Look at that action shot above!

Add salt and pepper to taste:

Toss everything to combine and distribute the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Serve to yourself in the big salad bowl:

I’m enjoying my fake and lazy salade on the deck so I can enjoy my big salad and simultaneously marvel at the healing powers of Nature.


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